Hello, World!

I’m a web developer, linux enthusiast, and computer fan, among other things. I also love old Lenovos, and trackpoints.

When I’m on a computer I prefer using bash, vim, ssh and everything command-line.

Away from the keyboard I enjoy gardening, reading, travelling, trekking, and more.

I’m always interested and curious on how things work. I like being exposed to new concepts, and technology. Exploration of everything, and anything, is something I never stop practicing.

I’ve spent little or more time 3D printing, off-road riding and driving, paragliding, scuba diving, wind-surfing, tinkering with stuff, discovering objects in the night sky.

Feel free to look into my page to learn more about me.

A self-portrait of myself holding a tripod mounted camera pointed to the ground in black and white.

Here’s a somewhat organized list of the web tools I often use
(in no particular order)

Web Browsers

Chrome (link)

I started using chrome back in 2008 when it was first released. If I had not customized it for 13 years, I would have given up on it for something lighter, like Mozilla Firefox. But then again I have customized it extremely.

Mozilla Firefox Developers Edition (link)

Mozilla Firefox is the browser I have come to like all the more during the last 5 years, and the Developers Edition comes with all the latest features in the web world; it’s light, has so much greater developers’ tools, supports HTTP/3 and much much more.

qutebrowser (link)

Qute browser is cute but not for everyone. It brings the Vim functionality to a browser. This is a browser for people who don’t like to take their hands off the home keyboard keys F and J, but instead would rather navigate using only key shortcuts. I use it when I feel too lazy to raise my hand.

Tor (link)

I like to use Tor occasionally. It’s slow but makes up for its lack of speed with significantly increased privacy, which is becoming all the more rare these days. Also useful when you need to hide your IP without a VPN.

lynx (link)

Lynx is a web browser for even less people than qute browser! It is a text-based web browsers, and you can run it within the terminal. It is the oldest web browser still maintained, having started in 1992. Use it when really interested in the actual content, or all you have available is a terminal.

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Responsively (link)

A very useful browser for web developers, and web designers. Look no further for quickly and simultaneously previewing, mouse scrolling, and comparing a web page in multiple viewport dimensions.

Chrome Extensions

toggle tabs chrome app logo transparent

Toggle Tabs

This is by far the extension I use the most on a daily basis. In fact I’ve already used it 5 times typing this very text. It is so good that it deserves its own post!

(Update: Google Chrome has discontinued support for this extension for a violation of their terms of privacy. So handy it is that I still use it regardless!)

lock it chrome app logo transparent

Lock it

This app protects tabs I wouldn’t want to accidentally close while editing content. One click and you get an alert when you hit Ctrl+W or the close button by accident.

(Update: Google Chrome has discontinued support for this extension for a violation of their terms of privacy.)

color peek chrome extension logo transparent

Colorpeek (link)

Colorpeek allows me to quickly get the HEX color code of a color anywhere in the viewport. It also keeps a record of the 66 last colors you’ve clicked on.

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Lighthouse (link)

Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for improving the performance, quality, and correctness of your web apps. The same engine now lives inside the built-in Chrome Dev Tools, Pagespeed Insights, GTMetrix, and more.

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JSON Viewer (link)

JSON Viewer comes super handy when it comes to visualizing JSON files found all over the place when working online. Also supports dark mode for those who work in the late hours.

wappalyzer chrome app logo transparent

Wappalyzer (link)

Wappalyzer helps you get an idea of the underlying engines that are used to power websites. Super cool to discover what frameworks, CMS, and everything was used to create websites that click to you.

minimal reading mode chrome app logo transparent

Minimal reading mode (link)

This little extension allows you to read an article online, and focus in doing so. It strips the page of any images, ads, videos and what not, leaving you only with the content you visited the website for.

Lorem Ipsum generator chrome app logo

Lorem Ipsum genereator (link)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Placeholder text quickly and easily, with just a couple of mouse clicks, without leaving the page you are working on.

auto reload page chrome app logo transparent

Easy Auto Refresh (link)

You know those times when you find yourself refreshing a page again and again, waiting for a change to take effect, or be published, or anything similar? This extension saves you the mouse clicks of refreshing.

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I don’t care about cookies (link)

Aren’t you born of accepting cookies banners on every page you visit? Well, I do. This extension makes sure no cookies-related panels pop up from every corner any more.

Development Tools

Vim logo

Vim (link)

I have been a huge fan of Vim’s for the past couple of years. I second the advocates who support that once you get over the getting-used-to-it barrier (and learn how to exit too) there’s tons of ways for becoming more productive.

Sublime text editor logo

Sublime Text (link)

Before Vim I used Sublime Text as my main text editor. Very rarely I find myself coming back to it. Habit is difficult to get over.

Codepen logo in white color.

Codepen (link)

Codepen is very useful for quickly testing something out. It is also a very cool source for inspiration.

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CSS-Tricks (link)

One of the greatest sources for information around CSS. In depth explanations of concepts, as well as analyses of various CSS tools. It’s rare that this place hasn’t got you covered.

MDN (link)

Another one of the most complete resources of information. HTTP, HTML, CSS, JS, Web APIs – you name it and there is tons of material available to read.

W3C Validators (link)

It’s reassuring to know that the code you write is following the web standards, and the W3C validators are a great way towards that knowledge. Good quality code never hurt anyone!

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Codrops (link)

A very handy CSS cheat sheet with clickable options, which provides helpful documentation, and examples for even the most demanding use.

clippy icon

Clippy (link)

A very quick and easy way to visualize custom and sometimes complex CSS clip paths. Provides an array of templates, and a few more custom options too.

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You might not need jQuery (link)

Use cases which help clarify things when it comes to deciding whether it is essential to load all of jQuery for simple (and some more complex) tasks.

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Stack Overflow (link)

You can’t compile a list of development tools without including Stack Overflow. For every question you might have, somebody might have already provided the solution in S.O.

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W3Schools (link)

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, SQL, MySQL, XML, Python, Excel – you name it, and they’ve got you covered. Not the greatest in depth documentation but sufficient when you need a refreshment.

Smashing Magazine logo

Smashing Magazine (link)

In-depth guides and articles, explain the whats, the hows and the whys of all things web (and not only). You can use it to quickly clarify or deeply understand something, and can also be a great source of inspiration.

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github (link)

It’s impossible to talk code without counting github in. It’s as simple as that.

Media Sources

DrawKit (link)

In DrawKit you can find tons of free (and paid) illustrations. If what you need is not available, you can check back after a week; they are constantly updating their database.

unDraw (link)

A database of free illustrations. This one is somewhat richer, but then again you’ve got to love the color purple. If not, then you might skip it.

pixabay (link)

With a database of over 2.4 million files, this is one of the best places to find free stock images, video, illustration, vector graphic, sound effects, and music files.

unsplash logo

Unsplash (link)

My usual go-to for free stock images. Especially useful when looking for a negative space image for a clean end result.

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Pexels (link)

Pexels is another favorite media library. They provide stock image files, but also video.

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ISO Republic (link)

ISO republic offer Creative Commons (CC0) images and videos.

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coverr (link)

coverr has got you coverr-ed when it comes to stock video. That is all they are offering, and their collection is pretty satisfying.

Media Tools

TinyJPG (link)

A very useful web app. Comes in handy when you need to shrink a .webp, .jpg, or .png files on the go. Drag and drop your files, compress, and download them. Done!

Optimizilla (link)

Optimizilla does not accept .webp files, but it allows you to compare the before and after versions, and to further compress if the end result image quality is still acceptable.

Squoosh (link)

Squoosh is perhaps the most complete image compression web app out there. It accepts nearly all known image files, and allows a preview of the end result, while still offering control over the output.

material design palette icon

Material Palette (link)

Pick one color. Pick another. The page generates a color palette for you to use, together with a preview example, and suggested uses per color.

color hunt logo

Color Hunt (link)

A virtually unlimited list of ready made color palettes. Like them, share them, collect them, and ultimately use them.

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Make tints and shades (link)

Enter at least a color code, click generate, and the app outputs ten color codes of lighter shades, and another ten of darker ones.

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GIMP (link)

The free and open source image editor. It’s been years since I had to open up Photoshop for image editing, and for good reason! GIMP does everything you’d ever need, for free.

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UI Gradients (link)

Load the page and all you see is a slider of gradients. Slide left or right to get more suggestions. It gets updated on a constant basis.

online convert free logo

JPG to WEBP converter (link)

This free and easy free online converter can convert up to two images at the same batch, but is very efficient in converting .jpg files to .webp, the next gen image format for the web.

Fancy Border Radius (link)

This is a great simple tool to create custom shapes with border radius visually on the fly. Drag and drop the nodes to make your own pebbles.

Fonts & font icons sets

ionicons (link)

Easily one of my favorite font icons sets, and they are completely free.

heroicons (link)

Another free, and useful icon set, with over 200 supported icons.

Font Awesome (link)

The free Font Awesome icon set has got more than you could need. Don’t forget to check older versions of theirs also.

iconmonstr (link)

Not only does this one have more tha 4500 icons freely available, but they also have a request icon feature when you search for something that doesn’t yet exist in their db.

icomoon (link)

Icomoon’s free plan adds another 400+ free icons, but they also offer paid plans which unlock even more than that.

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icons 8 (link)

icons 8 comes with tons of options, but I particularly like their line-awesome pack, which neatly retouches font-awesome, hence the pun. You must check this out!

Drawing inspiration

One Page Love (link)

I love one page websites, and when I need to build one, I always draw inspiration from this one.

land-book (link)

Creativity knows no limits, and land-book has a vast collection of great examples which can prove my point.

Screenlane (link)

Over 20.000 creators post their work there on a weekly basis. There is a massive collection of examples waiting you there.

dribble (link)

This one is a wider source of inspiration, but inspiration nonetheless.

awwwards (link)

The awards of design, creativity and innovation on the internet

This is some of my most recent activity

  • Geocaching


    Recently I picked up a new hobby, and it has proven to be very interesting indeed.

    Read more…

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